Tuesday, May 10, 2011

4th Year Medical Student

Its been few months since I last updated my blog. Don’t have the mood-> lazy ->no mood -> its been long time since update-> lazy; and the ‘vicious’ cycle continue :p

So now I am a fourth year medical student, halfway through my medical training. 4th year is different from what we had during the first three years in Dunedin. The first three years are all about books, lectures, some labs, and minimal patient contact. It is called ELM; early learning medicine. 4th, 5th and 6th years are more hands on in nature and it is ALM; advance learning medicine; less books (depends), less lectures, meeting more ‘real’ patients which means more great adventures. Also, you can wear your stethoscope (I always spell this incorrectly; statescope and need to use Microsoft dictionary to correct it :p) all the time if you want. Some students who in surgery run also wear the blue shirt (is it scrub? I don’t know because I haven’t done my surgery run yet). It is not to show that we are arrogant or something, but it is a pride to be part of medical and health care system in delivering and learning about patients and their diseases.


Oh, before I forget, in university of Otago, when you are in 3rd year, you need to choose where you want to do your clinical years training; whether you want to do it in Dunedin campus, wellington or Christchurch. I chose wellington because of few reasons and I’ll make a post about it later if I got the mood again).
good bye Dunedin. I'll see you when I graduate, I promise ! :D

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