Saturday, September 3, 2011

Resipi Kek Coklat 2nd edition

Adapun asbab menulis entry ini adalah kerana kehilangan kertas resipi bila nk buat kek masa hari raya. Kalau tulis nk sini, at least kalau hilang resipi pn, boleh refer balik. Kek coklat ni jenis bake, bukan jenis kukus.

200g butter
1.5 cawan gula perang
2 bijik telur
1.5 cawan tepung naik sendiri (self rising flour)
2 sudu besar serbuk koko
Chocolate chips (x letak pn x pe, kalau letak cm best sikit)

1. Pukul butter dan gula sampai kembang.
2. Masukkan telur, tepung (seeloknya diayak) dan serbuk koko.
3. Masukkan chocolate chips J (sambil2 tu panaskan oven 180 darjah celcius)
4. Sapu marjerin atas pan acuan kek.
5. Masukkan adunan atas acuan.
6. Bakar dlm oven selama 40-45 minit. (suhu agak2 sendiri, boleh try 150-180 darjah celcius)

selamat mencuba :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ciri-ciri pasangan

Bila memperkatakan tentang pasangan, semua inginkan yg terbaik untuk jadi peneman hidup. Saya masih teringat ketika di KMB, waktu kelas agama islam. Ustazah mintak semua ahli kelas tulis dlm 1 kertas 10 ciri yang kita nak pada pasangan kita. Kami pun dengan bersungguh-sungguh la tulis semua ciri-ciri yang menjadi idaman.

Bila dah habis tulis, ustazah kumpulkan semua kertas dan baca satu persatu anonymously. Of course semua nak pasangan yg beragama, tu yg utama. Paling menakjubkan ialah semua budak perempuan dalam kelas tulis mereka nak bakal suami mereka mata kaler hijau. Huhuhuu.

*mata hijau macam ni?

Sampai skrg saya masih ingat lagi. Ntah mcm mana la diorg bleh terfikir nak suami mata hijau, unless diorg nak kawen dgn orang bukan melayu. Dan saya yakin 100% yg diorang akan kawen dgn lelaki melayu semuanya, yg bermata hitam. Hahaha.

Kalau x silap masa tu tgh hot cerita Harry Potter, mungkin diorang terpengaruh dgn cite tu kot? Tp Harry Potter mata kaler hijau ke? Ntah la. Hahaha

Ok berbalik kepada cirri-ciri tadi. Antara ciri-ciri yang saya ingat saya tulis dalam kertas tersebut ialah:

1) x lawa pun xpa, asalkan cute, tambah-tambah bila garang.

*gambar hiasan

Yang ni mmg kena gelak dengan satu kelas. Huhu. Memang itulah saya, saya kurang berminat dengan perempuan yang cun melecun, tp berminat dengan yang kiut. Tapi kiut pada saya mungkin lawa di mata orang lain. wallahulam

2) dapat memberikan anak yang ramai.

*memerang dengan anaknya yang kiut

Yang ni sy tulis sbb saya teringat yang saya pernah terbaca yang salah satu daripada ciri-ciri isteri yang barakah ialah dapat memberikan anak yang ramai kepada suaminya.

3) romantic

Yang ni pun kena gelak jugak. haha

Tapi sekarang bila dah dewasa dan mencapai umur yang ‘senja’ ni, taste semakin berubah. Antara ciri-ciri yang saya suka skrg ialah:

1) berambut panjang

Terasa mcm best pulak kalau isteri rambut panjang kan. Boleh main2 rambut sume, cume jangan tarik rambut dh la. huhu
kalau boleh panjang smpai pinggang, tapi kalau xnk, sampai bahu pn ok :D

2) pandai main alat muzik.

Saya suka tgk orang main alat muzik, terutamanya keyboard/piano mcm tu. Pernah juga minta seorang rakan perempuan mainkan keyboard, sangat2 best tgk dia main. Skali dia menyanyi, punyalah merdu dan tenang sangat2 bila dengar dia nyanyi. Harap-harap boleh dapat isteri mcm tu. Pernah tengok satu clip video kat youtube yang memaparkan seorang ibu memainkan piano untuk anak-anaknya sambil diperhatikan oleh suami. Sweet kan. Boleh nyanyi sama-sama semua :)
Lg best kalau dapat isteri yang pandai menyanyi.

3) ayu-ayu

*contoh gadis ayu, bleh letak kartun je. letak gambar perempuan lain kang lain jadinya

Mcm mana nak explain ek. Mungkin jenis yang kalau pandang tu rasa tenang je hati ni, rupa sikap dan perlakuan dia menggambarkan dia seorang yang lemah lembut.

4) x kasar percakapan.

Biar kasar perangai jangan kasar percakapan sbb kasar percakapan boleh menyakitkan hati.

5) jenis yang x independent

Maknanya jenis yang sering memerlukan bantuan suami. Kalau semua benda dia boleh buat, x best juga sbb xda benda yang kita nak tolong, x bape nak sweet la cmtu.

6) suka masak.

Suka memasak x bererti pandai memasak. Bonus la kalau dapat yang pandai memasak, tapi kalau pandai masak tapi x suka masak x best jugak kan. Tai kalau yg jenis suka masak at the end of the day dia akan terer masak jugak sbb practice make perfect ;)

Tapi apa apa pun semua di atas hanyalah cirri-ciri yang saya idamkan, x tentu lagi dapat. Ibarat kita mengidamkan kereta Ferrari, tetapi kita hanya mampu beli kereta proton. Xpun kita mengidamkan kereta sport lamborgini yang ada 2 seat, tapi kita beli bmw 5 series sebab kita ada family dan anak yang ramai. X sesestinya kita dapat apa yg kita idamkan, tambah pulak jodoh ni Allah yang tentukan :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


If I knew it would be the last time,
That I would see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly,
And pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time,
I would hear to your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video-tape each action and voice,
So I could play them back day after day.

If I knew it would be the last time,
I would share an extra minute,
To stop and say “I love you”,
Instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.

If I knew it would be the last time,
I would be to share your day,
Well I am sure you will have some more,
So I can just let this one slip away.

For surely there is always tomorrow,
To make up for an oversight,
And we always get a second chance,
To make everything just right.

There will always be another day,
To say “I love you”,
And certainly there is another chance to say our “ Anything I can do?”.

But just in case I might wrong,
And today is all I get,
I would like to say how much I love you,
And I hope we never forget.

So, if you are waiting for tomorrow,
Why not do it today,
For if tomorrow never comes,
You will surely regret the day.
That you did not take that extra time,
For a smile, a hug or a kiss,
And you were too busy to grant someone,
What turned out to be their one last wish.

So, hold your loved one close today,
And whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them,
And that you always hold them dear.

Take time to say “ I am sorry”, “ Please forgive me”, “ Thank you” or “ It is okay”,
And if tomorrow never comes,
You will have no regrets about today.

Girls are like apples

-----------are like apples------
-------on trees. The best ones-----
-----are at the top of the tree.-----
---The boys don’t want to reach---
--for the good ones because they--
-r afraid of falling and getting hurt.-
-Instead, they get the rotten apples-
from the ground that aren’t as good,
but easy. So the apples up top think
something wrong w/ them when in
-reality they're amazing. They just--
---have to wait for the right boy to
----come along, the one who's-
-----------brave enough to-----
---------------climb all---------
---------------the way--------
--------------to the top--------
-------------of the tree---------

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tears in heaven

When I first learn how to play guitar, it was during the summer break at the end of 2008. My first Sifu in this area is Munir. He is a very talented person, he compose so many Raya song for Dunedin community and also other songs. I worked at cherry orchard over the summer break, together with Pojie and Farrael, we all learnt it at the same time.

The first song that Munir taught me was “Mimpi yang Sempurna” by Peterpan as the chords were easy. You only need to strum chord Em, C, G and D. Ok, that’s is not the purpose of this post. What I want to say in this post is that the first song that I really want to learn is tears in heaven by Eric Clapton. At that time, I couldn’t play the song because the song is quite complicated and need very good coordination between your fingers and brain, and my skill at that time won’t allow me. So I decided to not play the song, at least until I am ready to do it.

Eric Calpton playing Tears in Heaven.

So, after 3 years (April 2011), I decided to try and learn this very song. It was when I begin my Public health run (it is a 5 weeks run) and I made promise to myself that after I finish this run, I should be able to play this song. I practiced every day, and now, 3 days before I finish my Public Health run, I am able to play this song with confident ;)

To be honest, I am very proud of myself and after 3 YEARS I wait my guitar skill to be good enough, I am able to play my favorite song. It is worth waiting for those 3 years.

And this is the tutorial video that has been accompanied me for the last 5 weeks, credit to the creator of this video. This post also dedicated to you for your kindness to make a video tutorial with tab. I’ll upload the video of me playing the song later :)

4th Year Medical Student

Its been few months since I last updated my blog. Don’t have the mood-> lazy ->no mood -> its been long time since update-> lazy; and the ‘vicious’ cycle continue :p

So now I am a fourth year medical student, halfway through my medical training. 4th year is different from what we had during the first three years in Dunedin. The first three years are all about books, lectures, some labs, and minimal patient contact. It is called ELM; early learning medicine. 4th, 5th and 6th years are more hands on in nature and it is ALM; advance learning medicine; less books (depends), less lectures, meeting more ‘real’ patients which means more great adventures. Also, you can wear your stethoscope (I always spell this incorrectly; statescope and need to use Microsoft dictionary to correct it :p) all the time if you want. Some students who in surgery run also wear the blue shirt (is it scrub? I don’t know because I haven’t done my surgery run yet). It is not to show that we are arrogant or something, but it is a pride to be part of medical and health care system in delivering and learning about patients and their diseases.


Oh, before I forget, in university of Otago, when you are in 3rd year, you need to choose where you want to do your clinical years training; whether you want to do it in Dunedin campus, wellington or Christchurch. I chose wellington because of few reasons and I’ll make a post about it later if I got the mood again).
good bye Dunedin. I'll see you when I graduate, I promise ! :D

Dia mungkin ahli syurga...

Ketika singgah di sebuah surau di Melaka untuk bersolat Maghrib semalam, kelihatan ianya lengang dari didatangi pengunjung. Taman permainan masih riuh rendah dengan gegak-gempita kegembiraan suara anak-anak muda Melayu.

Seorang pemuda membersihkan diri di perkarangan surau sebelum masuk waktu Maghrib. Dari air mukanya yang jernih, saya dapat mengagak bahawa dia pemuda yang baik, berasal dari Bangladesh (B).

Dr Z : Assalamu'alaikum. Siapa nama?
B : Wa'alaikum salam. Munzeer Alam...tersenyum :)
(kalau tak silap, Munzeer Alam ertinya pemberi peringatan kepada 'alam)

Dr Z : Asal dari Bangladesh? Dakka? Chittagong?
B : Saya dari Dakka tapi kampung sikit...

Dr Z : Sudah berapa lama di Melaka? Kerja di mana?
B : Sudah ampat tahun. Kilang sana tu...

Dr Z : Macam mana kerja di sini? Berapa dapat sebulan?
B : Kerja teruk sikit tapi saya perlu cari duit untuk amak, papa & adik juga.
Keluarga saya susah di Bangladesh. Sini kilang bagi RM 675 satu bulan
tapi kalau ada OT dapatlah RM 1 ribu lebih sikit.

Dr Z : Berapa banyak boleh hantar kepada keluarga sebulan?
B : Tengok berapa banyak OT. Kalau tak ada OT, satu bulan hantar RM 400.
Kalau ada OT, satu bulan hantar RM 700. Saya belanja dlm RM 200+
satu bulan utk makan saja lah

Dr Z : Cukup ke RM 200+ sebulan belanja di Melaka?
B : Cukup lah...(senyum). Saya jimat supaya keluarga tak susah di Dakka.
Penting sekali saya buat baik, sembahyang jamaah 5 kali satu hari, doa
untuk semua umat

Dr Z : Ok lah Munzeer. Sudah masuk Maghrib, tiada orang surau ni.
Biar saya azan Maghrib.....(bersalaman mengakhiri perbualan)

........saya beredar sambil berfikir. Hebat juga pemuda ni, pengajian tak setinggi mana, kerja kilang, dia tak glamour atau dikenali oleh sesiapa tetapi amalannya adalah amalan ahli syurga.

Ya Allah pilihlah aku untuk bersama di kalangan ahli-ahli syurgaMU...

diambil daripada facebook Dr. Zainur Rashid Zainuddin.